Make Safety Improvements at HHES, HMS & HHS, Including Lockdown Capabilities

Safety Improvements and Remodeling at the Existing HHES Site

In Hockinson, it’s possible to preserve rural peace of mind with modern safety upgrades. The following are priority remodeling and safety improvements.

Elementary School

Building Lockdown Functionality

There is currently no capability to automatically secure exterior doors during a lockdown situation at HHES. In a recent family survey, respondents identified improving building lockdown functionality as a top priority.

Improved Traffic Flow

The project includes redesigning the parking lot and improving bus access to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow. In a recent district-wide family survey, 61.2% of respondents said that traffic congestion during daily pick-up/drop-off and family events at HHES impacts them.

Elimination of Portable Classrooms

Hockinson School District will eliminate portable classrooms and transition students into permanent classrooms. Due to overcrowding, nearly one-third of all HHES students currently spend most of their school day in one of the school’s 24 portable classrooms. 

Campus Redesign to Maximize Instructional Time

The redesign will include a building addition at the existing HHES campus to reduce the time students spend walking between specialists and classrooms throughout the day. This would improve campus safety and minimizing lost instructional time due to daily transitions.

Single Secure Entry

Constructing a single secure entry door will enhance security by restricting school access points.

Middle School

Digital Emergency Messaging

A digital system at HMS would broadcast emergency alerts and guidance directly to classroom screens during lockdowns or other emergencies.

High School

Digital Emergency Messaging

Digital emergency messaging at HHS would allow emergency messages and instructions to be displayed in HHS classrooms during a lockdown or other emergency.

For Love of The community
For The next generation
Building value for local residents and businesses

How the bond is allocated



New TK-5 elementary school = about $57.7 local bond contribution, after impact fees and property sales and state-assisted funding

(65.7% of total bond)


HHES demo, rebuild and remodel: Connected campus & Safety Upgrade = about $23.3 million

(26.5% of total bond)


HHS CTE Building & HS Safety Upgrade = approximately $1.2 million, leveraging additional in-kind and cash donor contributions

(1.4% of total bond)


Replacement Track and Install Multi-Use Synthetic Turf Field HHS = about $4.8 million

(5.5% of total bond)


HMS Outdoor Play Area & Safety Upgrade = about $800,000

(0.9% of total bond)